The tale of Batbayar Tserendorj, a runner whose journey started in 2023 with a life-altering cancer diagnosis, captured the attention of the track and field community during the 46th Bank of America Chicago Marathon on October 13.

Doctors said that a liver transplant was his greatest chance of survival after radiation treatments helped decrease his tumour. In the interim, Batbayar kept himself occupied by accompanying his spouse on her marathon training, transforming his struggle into an example of fortitude and strength of tenacity.

Batbayar, nicknamed Bat, stated, “In less than 12 hours, I’m going to run the marathon, then doctors call me, ‘Ok Bat, it’s time. We got the organ”

However, Bat surprised his medical team last year by deciding to run rather than receive a transplant.

He had the transplant later.

Batbayar Tserendorj triumphantly returned to the Chicago Marathon this year, carrying a new liver. When he completed the 26.2-mile challenge again at the age of sixty, he not only demonstrated physical endurance but also incredible resilience and persistence.

The hazards were acknowledged by his Northwestern Medicine physician, Dr. Juan Carlos Caicedo, who added, “We usually recommend the patient take the organ.”

Bat, however, dedicated himself to training for the marathon out of a desire to show that everything is possible.

The 60-year-old Tserendorj, who is cancer-free and full of hope, wants to motivate people by demonstrating that receiving a liver transplant is not the end but rather an incredible second shot at life.

“It’s my second birthday!” he exclaimed, living in the moment.